Mena Emuh is part-time storyteller, full-time change agent, entrepreneur and Mental Health Activist.
In 2016, having completed a Masters in Marketing from Cranfield University, Mena struggled to find a job in London on a level with her experience, qualifications and capability, so boldly picked herself up and moved to Lagos Nigeria. Within a year she was Managing Director of Cececa Nigeria, which she has grown into the preeminent luxury Air-Care brand in Lagos.
In 2017, she also founded The L8 Bloomers – a Global platform for millennials navigating the complexities of adulting in the 21st Century. What began as a personal pain point of rejection and racism in the UK has transformed into the Global community she has built both on and offline through content, events and coaching.
As a Coach and millennial consultant who specialises in supporting individuals and organisations as they address issues of mental health and well-being. Mena continues to explore life unfiltered and beyond social constructs, where things gradually fall into place, albeit just a little bit later than anticipated.